With cooler weather right around the corner, we have to prepare ourselves to make slight changes in our natural hair care routines. Because the air is cooler and has less humidity, it is more likely that our hair will lose some moisture, so we must focus on keeping our hair moisturized and hydrated. Here are some tips that will keep your hair moisturized and breakage free:
- Deep conditioners are a necessity for almost every wash to restore moisture. Using a plastic cap or a hair steamer helps the conditioner penetrate the hair follicle even more, making the conditioning process even more beneficial. Do not skip on your deep conditioners. In fact, try keeping the conditioner in for an addition 5-10 minutes, just to make sure that moisture is locked in.
- Remember to oil ends daily. A major cause of hair breakage is lack of moisture at the ends of the hair. To retain length and prevent those ends from splitting, simply apply oil to your ends every day. It will help keep them protected from the harsh cold and winds.
- A lot of us wear wool or cotton hats to keep our heads and ears warm. Try lining the inside of your hats with non-abrasive fabrics to avoid breakage and dryness. Also, try placing a silky scarf along the top edge of the collar of your wool coats to prevent friction and breakage caused by rubbing.
- Because the weather is cooler during the fall months, many of us may reduce our wash days. Because water is one of our hair’s main source of moisture, you mind find that you need to moisturize more often between your washes. Remember to continue to use your essential oils to loc in that much needed moisture. A great oil to use is coconut oil. Another option for some of us who reduce our wash days is to dry shampoo. I’m not a fan, but it works for others!
- As we transition into the colder months, trim away the dry and brittle ends that have been damaged by the summer sun. We have discussed the importance of trimming away damaged and brittle ends.
- Protein has its place in a good natural hair care regimen, but you have to be more careful about using it when it’s cold outside. That’s because protein can fortify the hair’s structure and cause it to be somewhat hard if you do not balance it with adequate moisture. This is less of an issue if you’re 100% natural (no relaxed hair on your head) but if you’re transitioning, you may still be using protein treatments. If so, be sure to immediately follow protein treatments with a deep moisturizing conditioner, leave-in moisturizer and then seal the moisture in with a natural oil. Also, relaxed hair cannot tolerate frequent wetting like natural hair can, so you may need to rely on quality moisturizing products instead of water alone to keep the hair from becoming dry.
- If there is one thing to know about protecting your hair from dryness and breakage in these upcoming cold months, it is protective styles, protective styles, PROTECTIVE STYLES! Protective styling protects your hair from being exposed to the elements by tucking your ends away. Protective styles can be your best friend during the fall/winter while maintaining strong, moisturized, and healthy hair. Some great protective styles include buns, twists, Bantu knots, braids, and any other creative styles that keep those ends protected.